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Gautam Kapoor

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Ever since my advent into the fraternity of sports, I have devoutly helped provide unstinted support to the companies and people associated with. With over 5,000 articles in my kitty, ones which range across a slew of sporting leagues, tournamnets and competitions, I have helped cater to the demands of the reading audience in a bid to bridge the gap between them and the platform.

A determined, gritty and dillgent individual, I always look to compellingly contribute towards the luscious growth of the organization across all verticals and disciplines through my expansive skill set and productivity and to further enhance the company’s growth towards the pinnacle in pristine fashion. My penchant and intricate work ethic has seen me develop long, outstanding relations with coveted, respected and prestigious people and organisations of colossal stature. I’m currently engaged with The SportsRush where I’m the Managing Football And Dream11 Editor, Sports Academy Association of India as a Sports Mentor, Sports Advisor to Unyspace, Sports Analyst at Sportskeeda along with being embedded on more than 10 sporting platforms.

Having been fortuitous enough to work with some prestigious organisations and brands in the circle, my time spent at them have well versed me with the articulate needs, demands and requirements of the field. I currently as a standalone writer have a base of over 15,00,000 reads per month with my most read articles having crossed the symbolic milestone of 1,00,000 views and having regularly featured on the top of Google’s search pile.
Well versed with publishing pieces on WordPress and embedding tweets. An astute knowhow of SEO, keywords, meta description and categories helped cater out the pieces to the right target audience.

Pouring an insight into the sports and cricketing fraternity by traversing through a plethora of issues, developments, players and teams. Scouring and encapsulating all the disciplines and verticals of sports to create a seamless blend of articles that intertwine engrossing reports and matches. My aim has always been to take outright accountablity and take the onus of acting as a fulcrum for the company’s growth and success by shouldering the brunt of the responsibility on my shoulders.
Sites On Which My Articles Have Been Embedded

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