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L Latest Announcements

International Yoga Day 2018

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The main organizor Embassy of India in Bratislava cordially invites you to the 4th International Day of Yoga which will take place on Saturday 16th June 2018 in Bratislava, at Rekreačný areál Kuchajda from 09.00 a.m. The Indian Chamber of Commerce and Culture in the Slovak Republic is co-organizing this event and would also love to meet you there and discuss your personal involvement with India.

Are you fan of Yoga, do you want to meet friends from India, disucss Ayurveda and other Indian topics? Please stop by. The event is FREE.

Looking forward to welcoming you.

yoga day poster 2018


Update 16.6.2018 - photo

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Indian Chamber of Commerce and Culture in Slovak republic. Contact us now. How may we help you?



+421 917 252 978


+421 911 808 899