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Global Sports Summit Day on 30th of January 2021

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Indian Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic is proud partner of India Golf Circuit. IGC organized a global virtual summit how India trains youth sports and what are the global challenges and opportunities for children to become top athletes.

The principal objective of Indian Golf Circuit is to promote golf as an affordable sports in india and search and promote new talent in golf. It also encourages serious golf players to opt it as full time sports career unlike other premium sports in india. The Tag Line 'Let's Play together' symbolize its commitment to promote golf as people sport and further unify all golf lovers at place and play together.

Indian Golf Circuit (IGC) is a part of BD Square, which is primarily a tournament agency in India. Indian Golf Circuit as an official agency authorized by Recognized by I.P.P.U. & Affiliated by I.P.P.A. which is The Apex International Body of Pitching & Putting.Indian Golf Circuit is authorized to pitch & putt conduct tournaments of domestic and international level in india. Indian Golf Circuit can organise golf matches as well as qualifiers for international events, appoint franchise to work on its behalf. It can also invite affiliate players clubs and also selects players to represent india at different international tournaments.

Mr. Rakesh Tuarani, President of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Alexander Horvath, VP attended the global panel discussion and presented the sports opportunities Slovakia offers in golf and tennis. Mr. Taurani presented a member and partner of INDCHAM, AQUA Sports Hotel in Puchov which offers sports facilities and exchange programs for Indian sports players and Alexander Horvath presented Sports Asset Management opportunities for Indian top tennis players to be placed in Slovakia.

We thank organizers for making this summit available and invitation to the top global sports speakers on this topic.

Indian Chamber of Commerce and Culture in Slovak republic. Contact us now. How may we help you?



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