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JUDr. Ing. Peter Slavik, PhD

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Peter Slavik ProfileDr. Ing. Peter Slávik, PhD, graduated on Law faculty on University of Trnava, he explored his education within economy, taxes and banking by graduating Economic University in Bratislava, Faculty of Business management. Synergy between education and praxis resulted to university carrier on Law faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava, where he graduated as PhD within business and financial law.

His praxis went via Deloitte, Government Office of Slovak republic, National Bank of Slovakia, private business sector home and abroad. He took a place by building two financial institutions as also by many international projects and transactions. He is focused on tax and financial law, with high level of professionality he advises to client in Slovakia, within Europe Union and around globe. He is member of International Bar Association and external advisor to Cambridge University in the area of Taxes.

His law office consists of professionals not just lawyers but many professionals within economy, accounting and banking. His team of professionals provides advisory and assistance to their clients, who are walking with with him thru business environment to make their business effective saving their time and costs with legislation and administration. "I am delivering solutions that bring profit and success to my clients. Delivering values is my main goal."

Peter joined Indian Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic as Vice President Tax-Law-Finance to focus on international mega deals helping clients to focus on tax-law-finance as one package and consulting their needs in Slovakia and India.


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