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Mohit Shrivastav

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Chief Executive Officer, Abhyuday Bharat Mega Defence Cluster LLP

Founder & Chairman, Macropact Exim Pvt Ltd

Mohit is a serial entrepreneur having over 15 years of business experience across real estate, mining, precious gems, technical textiles and international trade. At Abhyuday Group, He is the Present Chief Executive Officer of its Aerospace & Defence vertical since 2020. Mohit is also the Founder and Chairman of Macropact Exim Pvt Ltd  which is a global import and export platform connecting clients and traders from across geographies through its presence in across 30 countries since 2013.

He is a Director at Alpha Gems & Metals, Tanzania, Africa with mining assets worth US$ 100 Mn.  He is also a Director at Target Commodities Ltd which has gold trading activities in Tanzania, Africa. He is on the Board of Austrade Min pty which is global mining consulting firm based in Melbourne, Australia. In the space of innovation and startup he is managing India operation having a position of Managing Director in EDGE196 Inc, which was a US and Mauritius-based investment firm.

Office Address:

1002, Times Square Arcade, Thaltej – Shilaj Road, Thaltej, Ahmedabad –  380059,

Gujarat, India.

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